Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Cycle 2 Results

Yesterday I received the results from my CT scan, and its good news again!!! The tumors are still shrinking or staying the same.  There were a few that are now smaller since the last scan, and some have remained stable since then.  Overall we are at 27% shrinkage since the start of the clinical trial. I couldn't be happier for the awesome results so far.

I'm also going back to work starting on Tuesday next week.  I'm feeling much more energetic lately, and I'm ready to get back to doing something other than sitting around the house.  My doctors think its best for me to keep busy.

I started Cycle 3 yesterday, and this time I only have to go in for two checkups. As I get into these later cycles, there are far less appointments and tests I have to have done. Also, I won't have another scan for two months from now on, instead of monthly like before.

Well this post is going to be short and sweet -- just wanted to update everyone with the good results. I hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend! :)

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Smooth Sailing

Time seems to be flying by lately! I can hardly believe next Tuesday I start Cycle 3 of my clinical trial and find out the results from Cycle 2. Although I had to go on short-term disability from work due to fatigue and nausea, it really hasn't been too bad for me lately. I can only hope for continued progress, and that the side effects stay minimal, as they have so far.

On Monday I'll go through quite the process again to finish off the cycle. Lab work, a MUGA scan, an eye exam, and a CT scan must all be done to track my progress. Should make for a really fun day! :/ Then Tuesday we return to find out the results from all the tests and get a refill on my meds. After this scan, I won't have another scan for two months since I'll be in the later cycles of the trial.  I am excited there will be less time I have to spend up at Moffitt, since I'm up there at least once a week at the moment. You know you're there too often when all the employees know who you are!

As nice as it has been to be able to get the rest I need, I have missed working.  It amazes me how fast I get bored during this time away from work. Guess there is only so much Netflix you can watch before you go crazy!  Hopefully I'll have more energy in the future so I can return to a more normal, active life.

Hope everyone is having a great week!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Cycle 1 Results

Cycle 1 of the clinical trial is over, and the results are in. The tumors are all shrinking!!! I received the CT scan results on Tuesday after my day of screening on Monday.  Of course we are all beyond excited to know these drugs are showing promise, and we are looking forward to more shrinkage and good news after Cycle 2 - which started on 7/29.

Although we received good news, I have been dealing with some side effects that started last week.  Pretty severe nausea and fevers were occurring, and after a check-up at Moffitt I found out I had an infection that the doctors believed were causing these symptoms. Thankfully after some antibiotics, I am doing much better. The biggest issue I'm facing lately is pretty extreme fatigue.  I'm always tired, and am sleeping all the time.

I'm back on short term disability at the moment due to the fatigue and lack of energy.  Hopefully I'll be back to normal again in the near future. For now, just relaxing and enjoying the good news!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!